Friday, April 29, 2016

5 Healthy Eating Tips For Losing Weight In 3 Weeks

Every time I thought about losing weight in 3 weeks and a fad diet was advertised on the television I would be the first one to grab it. I tried and tested at least a dozen of those fad diets and found one thing in common; they prophesied an unusual diet plan, literally starving me and totally against my body and Mother Nature. Once I stopped using the diet restrictions I would gain more pounds and look flabby. But the good news is that I learned a lot from these diets - how not to do what they were doing.

Losing Weight In 3 Weeks

Here Are 5 Healthy Eating Tips For Losing Weight In 3 Weeks And Never Starving or Craving For Food

Avoid Over Eating:

Eat Nutrient rich foods and avoid over eating. Do not load your plate with junk and stuff your throat with big mouthfuls. Have small portions of food and eat them at intervals probably every 2-3 hours. Do not avoid whole food groups like carbohydrates to lose weight. Include all nutrients in small quantities both macro nutrients (protein, carbs, fats) and micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.). Most people eat only macro nutrients and all the fad diets are only about this, which is not going to satisfy your hunger. You need to eat micro nutrients as well to satisfy your hunger and craving. When you eat more of this you will naturally stop over eating. Eat more of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds which are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Drink Plenty of Water:

What better way than to hydrate your body with water rather than aerated drinks or coffee. Drinking plenty of water will assist the body in conversion of fat reserves into energy thereby increasing metabolism rate and weight loss. It helps gain youthful looking skin and prevents skin from sagging. It also helps in holding back your appetite due to which you may not feel hunger. You can also eat plenty of water based foods like water melon or cucumber at regular intervals.

Eat Healthy Fatty Foods:

losing weight in 3 weeks - Healthy Meal

Healthy dietary fats are essential for optimal hormone production and balance within the body and are essential for muscle building and fat burning processes. Eating a diet that is too low in fat will reduce your testosterone levels too. Fat is a macro nutrient and as explained above avoiding it will only lead to health problems. Avoid man made fatty foods or highly processed fat food. Eat coconut fat, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, dark bitter sweet chocolate, nuts, seeds and fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids like wild salmon, sardines, herrings etc.

Eat Slowly:

It helps to eat slowly, enjoying every bite of food. Do not gulp food and finish it within 10 minutes, instead eat slowly and extend it to about 25 – 30 minutes. You can use a chopstick to eat instead of fork, you can stop in between and have a sip of water. This is also known to hinder over eating to a large extent. Do not watch TV or play games while eating, avoid distractions as this helps you avoid over eating. Distribute food on your plate by dividing portions; eat from each portion little by little thereby deliberately slowing down your pace.

Do Not Skip Breakfast:

losing weight in 3 weeks - Breakfast

Your body needs breakfast because all night long there is no food intake. It is necessary to eat breakfast to have the energy to follow your daily routine. Eating a healthy breakfast will help increase your metabolism rate. Avoiding it will make you weak, unhealthy and hungry due to which you may end up eating quick snacks which are more harmful to your body. Make a healthy breakfast rich in Proteins and fibre like an omelet stuffed with vegetables.

By following these tips methodically you are bound to lose fat in 3 weeks just like I have. If you want to have a diet plan which contains real healthy food and meal plans, then I recommend you check out my 3 week diet plan review which includes easy to follow meal plans and where you'll be eating real healthy foods. From my experiences in the past these are the best 5 Healthy Eating Tips For Losing Weight which I follow diligently to stay fit and healthy.

Source here: 5 Healthy Eating Tips For Losing Weight In 3 Weeks

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